Monday, 26 May 2014

Parvathy Omanakuttan Long Hair

Every girl in this world would love to have long hair on their heads. They are proud that the hair growing on their head is the most beautiful possession they have got.

See the beautiful strands of hair that grows out from the head of this most beautiful and charming actress.
The hair that grows on the beautiful head of this beautiful lady is so thick and extends up to her waist.
The above picture shows the actual and real length of the hair that grows out from the head of this beautiful actress. Her hair majestically extends up to her waist.
You could see the thickness of the bunch of hair on her head. Only half of the hair which grows out from her head is kept at the front, while the remaining bulk is at the back.
Any kind of hairstyle can be done with the beautiful hair of this charming and beautiful lady. What-ever the hairstyle may be, it would suit perfectly on her head and it will make her to look more beautiful.
 Everyone would be wondering how such a tender and beautiful head could bear such a mass of thick and beautiful hair at its top.
All the hair growing on the top of this head can be gathered into a pile with both the hands (because she has that much of thick hair growing on her head) and madee into a braid decorated with jasmine flower at the crown of her head. She would be looking like a goddess.
Each and every strand on the head of this girl is too beautiful. The hair of her scalp have forced themselves to raise against the gravitational pull of the earth and have grown into such a beautiful piece.
'n' number of different hairstyles can be done with such a long hair. All the hair on her head can be gathered and made into a ponytail. Of can be coiffed into a bun and can be placed at different positions on her head. A side bun on her head would look cool or a the bun hair placed at the top most position on her head would look awesome and beautiful.
If all the beautiful hair that grows on the beautiful head of this beautiful girl is shaved, then it can be stitched together and transformed into the most beautiful wig in this world.
No matter who wears the wig which is made out from the hair obtained from the head of this beautiful women, it would look perfect on them and they would be looking more beautiful.
 In the above image, the hair growing on the head of this woman is oiled thoroughly and combed neatly. It is then coiled two to three times in to a huge bun and placed firmly at the back of her pretty beautiful head. The huge hair mass is kept in place by a huge hair pin which you can see it on her hair bun.

You may even consider that the most beautiful part on the body of this woman is her head. And this most beautiful part (i.e, her head) contains all the majestically growing hair mass at its top.
The long tresses have been swept to the right side and made into a beautiful bun and place at the side of the head. (In the above picture)
In the above picture, all the hair growing on the head of this beautiful woman is gathered into a pile and made into a beautiful ponytail. She is wearing a attractive Red color saree.
She is the former Miss Universe. She represented India.
Imagine such that, the hair growing on the head of this actress is parted at the center of her head. Two pigtails are made from each of the ponytail obtained after parting at the center. These pigtails are then coiled and place at both the sides of the head. Don't stress by imaging. You could see the picture below

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