Sunday, 22 November 2020

Shaving the head of Leyla Milani

See the amount of hair growing from the head of this hot woman.

I do not know if the hair on this head had been dyed black. But as a spectator, the hair looks extremely dark and voluminous. 

The hair growing on this head is so beautiful to the point that it looks fake. 

How will you feel if this hot woman with such a beautiful head filled with thick black hair stands or sits in front of you? What will you do?

I do not even have to guess, because I know what you will be doing. 

First you will start playing with the beautiful head of this lady. Then you will play with all the hair growing out of this hot woman's head.

You will make her sit on a chair and start playing with all the hair growing out of her head. 
I just realised that you are seeing the front view of her body for the first time in this article. Just see how hot her body looks. Wouldn't you say that she has beautiful assests? Wouldn't you also say that the head attached onto her hot body is the most beautiful and sexually appealing assest of this woman?

Check out the link below to see what you will do if this hot woman stands in front of you.

Some of you will want to take good care of all this hair growing on the head of this beautiful woman. You will also help this hot woman to maintain her physique and hotness.

Just see the amount of hair and the shape of her body. Both are beautiful to a point that they look fake.

You will try out lot of different and exotic hairstyles on this woman's head. She will also be interested to try out various beautiful dresses and hairstyles.

There is just no limit on what hairstyles could be done on this woman's head.

See the huge bun resting on top of the head. It is looks thick, big and heavy like a football.

There will also be few people out there who will want to shave all these hair growing on the head of this woman. 

You will make this beautiful woman sit in front of you on a chair. You will make a thick long braid out of the hair on this woman's head, you will then take a clipper and start shearing out the braid. After detaching the thick braid from the head of this lady, you will keep it on a desk in front of her. You will then apply a shaving cream all over the bald scalp of this woman, and spread it so that there is enough lather. You will then take a shaving razor with sharp blades and go over this woman's bald head with multiple strokes. Then you will take a clean hot towel and clean the left over hair and lather on the bald scalp. You will then take a hand held mirror and keep it in front of Lelay Milani. She will be amazed seeing her smooth bald head and happy tears will flow from her eyes. Leyla Milani will then take her sheared off braid and give it to you. You will then take it into a room where you will process it carefully and convert it into a hair piece that will live on forever until the world ends or someone in the future loses it without knowing the value.

There will be a third group of people as well. They will make this hot woman sit in front of them, will not do anything on the hair, take the clippers and shave all the hair. After shaving the hair, they will just throw all of it into the dustbin. They just want to see this hot woman with bald head. They do not really care about the hair growing on this woman head. 

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